Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Strength in Flexibility

Let’s return once again to Psalm 92. “The just shall flourish like the palm tree, shall grow like a cedar of Lebanon.”

Palm trees and Lebanon cedars are two very different types of trees. Perhaps the one that come to my mind first is their difference in flexibility. Palm trees are naturally flexible. If they were not, they would simply snap or be uprooted every time a hurricane or strong wind came along. Lebanon cedars are almost the exact opposite. They are sturdy and strong to withstand the earthquakes and floods that are natural to the region. 

Joe, the just man who is like the palm tree and the Lebanon cedar, is flexible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and sturdy and strong against the tremors of the World. Yet, his strength is not his own. It comes to him from God. He is only able to withstand the onslaught of the World because he is flexible to the Spirit’s inspiration. Perhaps the greatest example of this is the flight into Egypt. He stands against Herod by following the Spirit’s direction to go to Egypt, not by a call to arms or open rebuke. He bends to the Spirit’s movements and as a result stands firm against the World. Can the same be said of us?

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